It's been a while. Life's caught up with me. Jobs. Conferences. Lack of sleep. Confusion with my life. I appologize to all three of you who are subscribing to my nonsense. Now that I'm good and ready, I shall begin again. A friend of mine works works for The Economist - " More Intelligent Life ", actually - and he posted a few weeks ago on the Youtube orchestra, that appeared at Carnegie Hall last month. If you have an hour, and have yet to check it out, I would. Blah blah blah, it warms my heart with the potential of the interwebs to progress peoples' lives and not just be a conduit for my word-vomiting or porn-searching. Whatever. It's amazing. Michael Tilson Thomas (or MTT as he is so affectionately known) lead the prodigies, youth, and young adults, through an hour of adaggio, rondo grosso, venti-latte, pianinissimo pieces in a way that only he, as a rockstar can do. But, I have a problem: I think MTT is a bit of a racist, or just ignorant as hell. I...
Time for us to be the change . Perhaps it's just a governmental ploy to get 20-somethings to sign yet another pledge to uproot ourselves to be overworked and underpaid, but there is also the 50-hour "naw, naw, man. I've got a job but I'll help out...somehow" pledge. Honestly people, now that most of us are working 9 - 5, or some equivalent, we are left with > 50 hours to help some under-serviced NGO with our talent and infrequent assistance. Research shows that volunteering makes people feel greater self worth. Save the economy (and yourself from depression). Volunteer wherever you live. You can make more friends. AWESOME. I even pledged to serve as an Americorps. 2009 - 2010. I dig it.
God, that is a good song . This wasn't my favorite version (I have a sweet one of the honey-combed, and dangerously "perfect" Ella), but as this is my first post, I don't quite know how to link it / find it. Back to the post. The Beguine were a society of wealthy and spiritual women founded in the 13th century in the Netherlands. Wealth? Spirituality? Philanthropy in the 13th century? Post #1 is going into some choppy water already, but I guess that's why I waited til I was good and ready to sign up. Hi, friends. I am probably going to post about food, music, sustainability, and (community) health. I will try and not cross post toooo much, but what with the world wide web becoming a streamlined superhighway, I can't promise anything.
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