
Showing posts from January, 2009

That's what Pete Said

It's been a while. For the three of you who are subscribed to my blog, I am truly sorry. I spent the last week making mistakes and losing my voice while touring around the Bay Area with the Brown Derbies (oh the perks of unemployment. They paid for most things since I brought food and housed them so it was actually a $20 week). ANYHOW, I'm back with some light reading . I heard about #1 sophomore year from some of my MPC friends. Words words words. Makes you think about the stigmatization of some and not others. Just a thought. Night, friends.

Oh My God, Charlie Darwin

Go Bruno. The Low Anthem (Brun06) was NPRs Song of the Day . Hallar.

One Cup Size!

They got bigger . Jamie, this one's for you. Gross. Also, did this biddy get a face lift too? And a tummy tuck...and arm reconstruction? And a niiiiice hair-cut. Okay, the image is a lie. It was reconstruction, but the website wont add that AWESOME photo of the poor woman whose saggy boobs were displayed allz over the interwebs. Am I a lolcat? Happy new year. BOOBS!

Mo' Rocca

Yet another reason why I love Mo. Also, just for good measure: Eat it, A.C (and not, Anderson Cooper)