
Showing posts from December, 2008

I believe the children are our future....

I don't know how to actually get a video in, I'm just going to link to their blog. Check out the PS22 choir. Happy, skilled, children .


G.O.P Receives Obama Parody to Mixed Reviews. ?


This is the most disturbing thing I've seen in a while. While the ad highlights all the wonderful things people could be potentially be saying about you, they somehow overlook, well, everything else. Heightened paranoia. Bizarre advantages concocted by this ear-piece mimicry. Ruined surprise parties! And oh-so-much more.

Mo Rocca 180

I have a confession: I am in love. Hes a strange little man, with a bit of a lisp, floppy black hair, over sized, not-quite-hip glasses, and amazing stage presence. No, its not you, Byron. It's Mo, Mo Rocca . Maurice Alberto Rocca, has been a bit of an obsession for the better part of...a decade? No, that can't be true. It all started with my adolescent love of Pepper Anne (a great cartoon, if I do say so, moi meme), and the meandered left, or more accurately, became more "housemotherly" on VH1, when he became a commentator for I Now, the moment of conflict. Mo Rocca's affiliation with AOL. Okay, first of all, who uses AOL anymore? Adam's mom? My grandpa? People who wouldn't, under most circumstances, read the wise and witty prose of Mo (I can call him Mo, right? We're pretty close. Sorry, AK. R is a wonderful woman, but I doubt she cares what the snark-meister has to say). Not to sound like Peter Griffin, but that really grinds my gears. To what ext...

frazier & wing

So, I am going to break my self-proclaimed moto of no reposting to give a shout out to one Elizabeth Ivy Shapiro and her mom, Heather. Heather moved to the quaint (progressive? Small and lovely? Hub of coolity?) Portland a few years ago, after being a successful entrepreneur on Fillmore Street. Most of the readers of the blog don't know Healther's store since they didn't live here when she owned it, but that is neither here nor there. It had a great, timeless selection for the Fillmore shoppers, so it was out of their general price range. Anyhow, shes back at it. Already being applauded by the love of my life ( inhabitat ), her newest venture is totally worth checking out. Here . It is eye candy to emulate, and worthy inspiration, if nothing else. Good luck with everything in 2009, Heather. If there is anything I can do as a young, intelligent, unemployed 20-something in SF, you know where to find me. Now for some eye candy:

The Goog and Time

These images almost look fake. Explore.

Why Don't You Do Something

Time for us to be the change . Perhaps it's just a governmental ploy to get 20-somethings to sign yet another pledge to uproot ourselves to be overworked and underpaid, but there is also the 50-hour "naw, naw, man. I've got a job but I'll help out...somehow" pledge. Honestly people, now that most of us are working 9 - 5, or some equivalent, we are left with > 50 hours to help some under-serviced NGO with our talent and infrequent assistance. Research shows that volunteering makes people feel greater self worth. Save the economy (and yourself from depression). Volunteer wherever you live. You can make more friends. AWESOME. I even pledged to serve as an Americorps. 2009 - 2010. I dig it.

Begin the Beguine

God, that is a good song . This wasn't my favorite version (I have a sweet one of the honey-combed, and dangerously "perfect" Ella), but as this is my first post, I don't quite know how to link it / find it. Back to the post. The Beguine were a society of wealthy and spiritual women founded in the 13th century in the Netherlands. Wealth? Spirituality? Philanthropy in the 13th century? Post #1 is going into some choppy water already, but I guess that's why I waited til I was good and ready to sign up. Hi, friends. I am probably going to post about food, music, sustainability, and (community) health. I will try and not cross post toooo much, but what with the world wide web becoming a streamlined superhighway, I can't promise anything.